DEADFACE CTF 2023 Host Busters 3 Writeup

Continue characterizing the machine. Is there any way you can escalate to a user that has permissions the vim user does not have? Find the flag associated with this user. Submit the flag as flag{flag_here}. letmevim

You first login to vim, which has vim open. Then you escape from it like you did in the OverTheWire Bandit challenges with :set shell=bash and :shell. Now you have a proper shell over SSH.

The first thing I looked at after mistaking Host Busters 1’s key in the home directory as 3 was look at what other user home directories there were by running ls /home. I saw there were a few users, notably gh0st404 and spookyboi.

gh0st404’s user home directory had his OpenSSH private key as world-readable and in plain sight not in his .ssh hidden directory. It being world-readable would have had OpenSSH scream at you, but them being stupid was good for us.

So, once you use that SSH private key to login as gh0st404, you can check the contents of hostbusters3.txt and you got the flag.

cat hostbusters3.txt

“This is why you should have come to the Monday meetings for OverTheWire.” ~Joey, FPUSEC President

Here’s an asciinema of the entire thing in action.